Size of a Made in Italy reception counter

The measurements of a counter to be placed inside the reception area are indispensable in order to set up in the best possible way that part of the company exquisitely devoted to customer relations. For this reason, if you own a technical-administrative office, a starred hotel or any other business that requires as a minimum requirement to carefully assist potential users in their various needs, the choice of a reception desk that takes into account certain requirements of height, size and measurements is indispensable, also to facilitate the work of the receptionist.
When dealing with the setting up of reception desks in hotels and tourist facilities of wide significance, careful consideration should be given to the size and shape of the counter. It must necessarily be wide enough to accommodate, in the most comfortable way possible, those realizing to check in inside the facility. A reception counter assembled from various pieces with dimensions ranging from 80 to 240 centimeters in length can be ideal to be placed inside the hotel's entrance hall, as it ensures the best comfort and welcome that a hotel should offer its guests. It is also useful in case you want to enable people with disabilities to enjoy a reception service in accordance with current regulations, to create areas appropriately adapted to rise to this function. In this case, placing counters with a limited height measurement (between 70 and 110 centimeters) may be the best thing to meet the needs of all those people who show particular types of disabilities, such as individuals with wheelchairs.
In case you are the manager of a technical-administrative or commercial office, you can directly advise those in charge to set up the reception desk. A counter should be of appropriate dimensions, perhaps with measurements in width more extended than the standard ones, just to allow the receptionist to be able to place more papers, office supplies, stationery, etc. As for the dimensions in length, you can safely consider standard measurements that are generally attributed to reception counters within offices, administrative districts, etc.
If you are eager to set up a reception desk to meet other types of needs and that creates, at the same time, a perfect combination of style, elegance and available space, you can use Italian custom-made reception counters, thus relying on the creativity of a good carpenter. This one, equipped with great experience and love for his profession, will surely know how to direct you to the most appropriate choice for your needs. When you rely on a professional for custom-made products, you do not have to worry about the height, depth and length of the desk, which you can request according to your needs.

Italian Office Furniture
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