Designer office chairs where elegance and style meet comfort
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Design office chair Expo by Vaghi
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€ 310
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La Mercanti Srl

Design office chair Expo by Vaghi: essentiality, semplicity, versatility, a chair designed in collaboration with design studio Baldanzi & Novelli. It is a range with swivel and ergonomic chairs, studied in order to satisfy the needs of the modern life thanks to a wide range of solutions both functional and aesthetic.
Fixed or height, width and depth adjustable arms, adjustable lumbar support, synchro mechanism, are all granted from Vaghi's Expo chair, in accordance with quality and security certified by most rigorous market standards. Furthermore, the new line can boast of a new innovative element such as a back equipped of its own flexibility obtained by using plastic materials of last generation and supplied with three different finishings: self supporting mesh (EX), padded elastic fabric (FX) and leather or vinyl (GX).