Beta desking system by Tecno
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Beta desking system, which springs from an ethnographic research on the workplace the technological skills of Tecno, is an operating corner workstation system designed to meet the requirements of a creative office and to grant a new shape to space, while adjusting to people’s behaviours and evolving over time. The creative office represents the novelty in workspaces. By reducing repetitive tasks and by focusing on experience sharing, today’s offices are contemporary -agoras-, where different working styles overlap and where the individual’s wellbeing turns into working performance.
Having a space where to work on one’s own, relax not only during breaks, present one’s work also in informal meetings, are still all main features of the contemporary office we have all become familiar with. Beta, which draws inspiration from the evolution logic of nature, is able to meet these requirements, and by means of a range of “fluid and flexible” elements, it makes workplace reconfiguration and renewal easier. Rather than being a plain system, it is an actual environment, with a non-linear growth logic, which generates spaces without simply filling them.